What is Community Rhythm Works?

The goal of each Community Rhythm Works session is:

  • For the group to experience connection in rhythm and music that is enjoyable, accessible and a little bit challenging.
  • To bring out the JOY and FUN of being in a rhythmic and musical experience.
  • To emphasize creating rhythm and music together.
  • To make it easier to understand the TaKeTiNa process and enjoy it.

After 10 years of public groups and lots of feedback from participants, I have created Community Rhythm Works. This is the platform through which I will be presenting and leading TaKeTiNa. With this new approach I hope to create a more active and flourishing community of rhythm lovers through openness, clarity and fun.

What is TaKeTiNa?

TaKeTiNa is a group rhythm meditation process for realizing one’s personal potential. Stepping, clapping and speaking are the basic movements that we use to create each rhythm journey.Jake and Robert in motion in circle (1 of 1)


  • Provides a deep meditative experience
  • Creates an immersive musical experience without practice
  • Provides learning through curiosity and joy
  • Helps us let go of our old patterns
  • Enhances our sense of connection to ourselves and the community
  • Promotes vitalization of the nervous system

TaKeTiNa conveys rhythm the way people naturally grasp and learn it: by direct physical experience of fundamental rhythmic movement..

The Process…

What to expect on your first time: We build up a multi-layered rhythm experience in the body. We use basic rhythmic elements – voice, steps, claps – as the layers. Each rhythm is built one layer at a time allowing participants to learn and incorporate each new part at their own pace.

  • The Rhythmic Voice – is the binding element we use to bring the group together in rhythm.

From the rhythmic voice we build step and clap layers slowly. When the rhythm is complete, we use call and response singing to deepen participants multi-layered rhythm experience. The rhythmic possibilities are endless.

  • Chaos – Essential to TaKeTiNa. We go in and out of rhythm constantly. Just like life, there is no way to always be perfect. So, we learn how to go in and out of rhythm with laughter and ease.

At the end of the process time is reserved for relaxation, integration, and discussion. What participants discover through this process tends to create positive effects in other areas of their daily lives.


A TaKeTiNa Journey…

Every journey brings new opportunities to learn, grow, see and understand something new. We learn about ourselves, rhythm and community. Each journey is a small adventure into ourselves and the cosmos. We have the chance to explore our patterns, comforts, edges and joys.

Come. Play. Explore. Journey. Laugh. Be.

TaKeTiNa is evolution through rhythm